Pregnancy & Child Growth
Developmental Growth
"I had previously undergone craniosacral therapy for a knee injury and some emotional issues and knew of it's benefits, but never was I so grateful to be in the hands of a competent and caring therapist like Heather than when my husband and I and our little baby girl had survived a horrific birth experience in which I had to be hospitalized for the first month of my daughter's life and could not care for her.
We discovered Heather's practice when our daughter was a little over a year old, and took her to Heather for treatment. Right in the office, we visibly saw her release some deep emotional issues with Heather's hands guiding her and witnessed her rapid developmental growth immediately after her first session. She had not started pulling herself up yet or showing any signs of cruising and the day after her first treatment she started crawling backwards and then pulling herself up and trying to make steps. It was a pretty dramatic increase in motor skills and we definitely attribute it to the careful and gentle therapy she received from Heather which allowed her, even at such a young age, to let go of pent-up emotional struggles her body and soul were holding onto.
Heather's expertise in the emotional side of CranioSacral has helped me as well to reach deep inside and work through that birth experience and heal from deep wounds. We are so appreciative of her work with our family and impressed at the kind of person that she is and the depth of understanding she brings to her work. Thank you, Heather!"
- Ashley
“My 12 year-old daughter suffered from acute anxiety, depression, and OCD-like behaviors since she was eight. We tried years of cognitive behavioral therapy, then a year of psychoanalysis, all without any meaningful progress. Frankly, we lived for years in a special kind of hell, limping from symptom to symptom while these therapists fed my daughter a steady diet of psycho-babble that never made a lasting impression on her condition.
Finally, with Heather, we’ve made real, tangible progress. My daughter has become amazingly more calm and confident, and even has begun to take actions at home to soothe herself when feeling stressed, something that in my bleakest moments I thought I’d never see. Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and we owe it to Heather.
I highly recommend Heather to any parent, and so would my daughter! She loves Heather!"
- Gerald